Fri, 27 October 2017
One of the advantages of being more experienced in life (and I mean by that: Older) is you can look back at your mistakes and share the errors with others who have similarly been through a rough time. The disadvantage is that you cannot really go back and fix all the dumb things you did. This session is intended to help you avoid the biggest traps and pitfalls that can haunt you for years to come. Listen to this session if you want to keep practicing and to avoid the drama that comes from doing dumb stuff.
Direct download: 117._Momumental_Mistakes_in_Dental_Careers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT
Fri, 13 October 2017
The concept seems to have been lost, particularly among younger dentists, that one of the best ways to gain visibility and credibility is through local community involvement. It is difficult to calculate just how important the potential benefit to a practice (and doctor) it can be to get involved in local causes. Sure, it take time and it is not always easy. But the judicious use of your time to volunteer can add greatly to the bottom-line value of your practice.
Direct download: Dentists._Rock_Stars_of_the_Neighborhood.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT