Fri, 23 November 2018
I know this may sound like hyperbole but it is true: I have been really working to make sure that the good folks who order our telephone consultations can get serious value out of it. That is why I am introducing a free video conference option. It allows you to see data and maps. And we are now accepting data from YOUR sources to make sure your research value is great. And don't forget the BOOK! Visit www.DentalSiteSelection to get it free.
Fri, 9 November 2018
Over my years as a dental demographer, I have seen MANY such practices. And there is a reason so many fail or never really reach to their best potential. This episode will discuss some of the specific of why and how to avoid these pitfalls.
Fri, 2 November 2018
I created this episode to illustrate WHY some locations (including states or just parts of states) are doing well and will serve well for practice purchases or start-ups. In this case, we will discuss how being on a state border will impact your location choices.
Direct download: 161.Contrasting_Coasts._Idaho_v_New_Jersey.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT