Mon, 16 December 2019
This is a list of 11 markets that are leading the way. They are places that are showing significant growth and communities that doctors may want to investigate on where to practice. They are neither rich nor popular but they are great bread-and-butter communities.
Direct download: 218._Serious_Trends_for_New_Practice_Locations.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm EDT
Mon, 9 December 2019
It goes without saying that Hawaii is generally considered a success story due to high employment and serious demand for healthcare practices. But the trend data shows a sudden decline in population and it is important to know why. This episode is all about the good and the bad of practicing in Hawaii.
Mon, 2 December 2019
No, there are not many locations that are "prom queens" in this region. But if you are looking for reasonable competition, favorable growth, acceptable cost-of-living and general, the Rustbelt States have a few gems.
Mon, 25 November 2019
This episode refers to our least expensive customized research service to find a perfect place for YOU. It describes what a healthcare practice demographer does and give you the priorities you should know to the the most out of this service.
Direct download: 215._Using_the_Telephone_Consultation_and_Discount.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:07pm EDT
Mon, 18 November 2019
As the world population ages, they will be coming to the U.S. for medical and dental care like never before. But older patients are not going to be like the younger Cohort. ALSO, we talk about specific places in Ohio you may want to consider to set-up or purchase a practice. Good Stuff!
Direct download: 214._Big_Worldwide_Trends_in_Demographics_and_Ohio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:43am EDT
Mon, 11 November 2019
There are several reasons why Arizona generally and Greater Phoenix specifically have taken off. Reasonable home prices, new jobs, inexpensive energy, reasonable tax rates and more are acting as a magnet to population. It doesn't hurt that you can play golf all year. Find out where to look!
Mon, 4 November 2019
Sorry, no place is perfect. Sometimes what you really need to consider is what is really important about your practice location and what is not worth compromising over. In fact, we list five locations that are really wonderful for some doctors and practices and some that are just not so hot.
Mon, 28 October 2019
It is certain that this part of Northern Virginia, Southern Maryland, and the Federal District has been growing in population and affluence. But with this come certain challenges for practice, particularly for new practices, that exist in greater measure than in almost any other MSA. In short, it is a victim of its own success.
Direct download: 211._Practicing_in_DC_Northern_VA__Marying.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:39am EDT
Mon, 14 October 2019
It is true: Los Angeles is not growing. But that should not be taken as a sign that practice, even a start-up practice, is not possible This episode is all about finding potential practice sites that appeal to a new patient-base. I discuss how this has happened and is likely to happen in the near future. Stop sitting on your hand! Opportunity awaits you if you are diligent and a little creative.
Wed, 9 October 2019
It is easy for a demographer to slap together data and charts for most cities in America. That is not the case for New York City. This episode reviews where the parts of the City contrast with each other and show you what you need to consider to enter this market as a start-up or practice purchase.
Mon, 7 October 2019
This episode is all about the Greater Chicago area. It is about the places that are showing promise and why the region is in trouble. At Doctor Demographics, we can tell you where to look and where to avoid.
Mon, 23 September 2019
There are some outstanding reasons to practice in Greater Seattle. This episode goes through those reasons as well as the cautions such a vibrant but expensive place should cause as one studies the regions. One of the big take aways is to reduce one's commute as much as humanly possible.
Mon, 16 September 2019
In this episode I discuss two examples of LifeModes and actual Psychographic Groups that are on the rise in the U.S. The idea is to show you what these groups sound like and how they apply to different professions (veterinary and dental). I am hoping that you can see how this information can make a big impact upon your practice promotion and location.
Mon, 9 September 2019
What is a LifeMode and what does it represent in finding the best patient base out there?
Mon, 2 September 2019
If you want to know where to purchase a practice or to start-up on office, the psychographics are what matters. It is not a matter of competition ratio (regardless what your accountant or consultant are telling you). The problem is that they may be well-meaning in their recommendations but they don't know enough about the new social-science research to tell you what you need to know.
Mon, 26 August 2019
For this episode, I am ignoring Florida, Georgia, Texas, and the Carolinas in favor of some states that often get ignored by those seeking to figure out where to practice. These include Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. And I acknowledge that this may be my least listed to episode. But I would be wrong if I didn't tell you a little about them.
Mon, 19 August 2019
We look at the six states that make up the Rocky Mountain States. Is there potential here? Well, yeah! They are among the fastest growing states and they have the Nation's highest birthrates. And did I mention that the cost of living has made them a magnet from those states that are suffering from high taxes and stagnant or negative growth.
Tue, 13 August 2019
While it has the lowest birth rate in the nation, the six states in New England are not a lost cause. This session discusses the states that make up this area and frankly comments on which of them has the most potential. Hint: It isn't Rhode Island.
Mon, 5 August 2019
Nope. Sexy, it is not. Crazy high growth isn't happening either. Still for the states like North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri, there is a steady increase in value and a much lower "risk factor" in purchasing and starting-up a practice. That is because the cost-of-living and the quality-of-life are doing very well. It a place to invest your time and money if you have realistic expectations and do your research.
Mon, 29 July 2019
The policy of a community on housing, particularly single-family dwellings and home purchases, may be one of the most important metrics on where you want to practice. It is far more important that the competition ratio, income distribution, and other demographic factors with the possible exception of growth. This episode explains why.
Mon, 22 July 2019
Using the analogy of "The Doldrums" (which many doctors are feeling at this time), we discuss what the 5 "factors" are that describe this cyclical phenomenon and discuss strategies to deal with their impact upon your bottom line (and future).
Mon, 15 July 2019
Many locations are going through the sometimes process of "gentrification." This session deals with whether this is a good thing for a practice or a bad thing. What does Gentrification really mean to an area? Is it going to help or hurt a community? These are the issues that this session reveals as well as some specific ideas on our approach for practices.
Fri, 12 July 2019
If you are considering where to practice (where to put a practice, where to purchase a practice, and even where to take a job), these are the four factors you need to keep in mind.
Direct download: 196._Which_State_is_Right_For_You_for_Practice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT
Mon, 1 July 2019
Demographers are hotly debating the meaning of research and social media to illustrate where to put a practice. The "facts" and the commonly accepted "wisdom" have never been more in conflict that right now. This episode discusses the issue and even makes some practical recommendations.
Direct download: 195._Political_Debate__Where_to_Practice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm EDT
Mon, 24 June 2019
This session is on the topic of how cities are changing the accessibility to practices (and small businesses) through a theory and practice called "Road Diets." It is one of those changes that are "under the radar" because they do not require any hearings and, after all, they will help save the planet. Maybe. I also list a discount we are offering for the next week.
Direct download: 194._Your_City_is_Killing_Your_Practice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35pm EDT
Fri, 21 June 2019
While it is not considered as important and the competition ratio, the percentage and nature of dwelling ownership versus renting is potentially vital. This session discusses in what way this is important and how it can influence you decisions on where to move and how to promote your practice. Renters and Owners may be quite different and want different things from a practice.
Fri, 14 June 2019
This session is about finding the density of a city that will serve your practice needs best. There is a lie that everyone is heading for the cities. Sorry. Not true! Where people are heading where they can own their residence and can get from their home to a professional office conveniently. City Planners (and the Political Class) hate this with a passion. California's SB50 was their last trick and, fortunately, it failed. In short, it would have killed private practice where it was implemented. And, worse, it would have raised the price of office space.
Fri, 7 June 2019
When we consider the predictions recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau, it becomes plain that the future may rest with those over 65 years of age. This session discusses where to find these potential patients and how to attract them.
Fri, 31 May 2019
I have been consulting doctors on where to practice for more than 30 years and I have learned a few things that you may want to know: 1. Your marital status will influence where you want to practice. 2. Your likelihood of wanting to marry another doctor, regardless of their practice type or profession, is going to matter, 3. Finding someone is getting harder than ever. This episode takes briefly about these issues and what to do about your situation.
Fri, 24 May 2019
Pediatric Practices are not the only ones put at risk by a declining birthrate. Through direct and non-direct means, all practices and businesses can be hurt when there are declining rates of birth. This episode talks a little about why this is happening and hints are where the most impact will be felt.
Direct download: 189._Impact_of_Decline_Birthrate_on_Practices.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT
Fri, 17 May 2019
I know that there are some serious advocates for you becoming an "employee doctor." I suppose that works for some. But if you want to make "serious money" you are going to haver to consider being an owner and you have to consider what makes a "reasonable risk" in terms of location. That is what we are here to tell you. I am sorry to say but the marketplace is dividing. Some places look better and better while others are looking worse and worse.
Direct download: 188._Risk_Sweat_Equity_and_The_Right_Locations.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT
Fri, 10 May 2019
Every year about this time I produce a list of locations that are showing the best potential sites for a start-up practice in the U.S. I have tried to get less specific this year than in the beginning. When I first started, there was a rush of folks trying to get to these sites first. Now, I am describing locations that are broad enough to support several offices being created at one time. These locations are widely distributed as well. Enjoy!
Fri, 26 April 2019
In the May 2019 issue of "Health Magazine" an article appears under the title "Truth About Dentistry." It accuses the profession of shoddy and incompetent, even criminal standards of over diagnosing and over-charging patients. This is my response. You probably know I am a professor of Communications (among other things) and I have some things to say to journalists who use this technique to undermine worthy professionals particularly dentists.
Direct download: 185.Iatrogenic_Dentistry_and_Journalism.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT
Fri, 19 April 2019
Every Spring publications like U.S. News and World Report come out with their recommendations on the top cities in the U.S. that you should consider to live. But they have some methodology issues that come be deceptive for doctors. In this episode, we look at their recommendations and share places we think shouldn't be on their list and add those we think should be.
Fri, 12 April 2019
Some demographic factors seems to be valued much more highly that they should. Among these is the competition ratio. When there are few Practices in an area, you have to ask yourself "Why?" Often doctors will look for places with many rich people. Hey, Money is not a bad thing. But it can also be a negative when it comes to your bottom line. What DOES matter? Well, Educational-Attainment matters. This episode deals with why and where these folks can be found.
Fri, 29 March 2019
Demographers are contemplating the impact of the reduction of write-offs on State and Local Taxes for where to put a professional practice, government representation, and growth (and population loss). This is an important session you don't want to miss!
Fri, 22 March 2019
There are some wonderful accountants, consultants, and financial planners that deal with the process of parent-child practice transitions. I won't deal with those issues. Rather, let's talk a little about the implications of a practice that will continue far longer than most, the issues of keeping a practice image or brand over a long period, and some deep thoughts on competing with such a practice.
Fri, 15 March 2019
Based upon a conversation with a bright but panicked young doctor, I am offering this observation of what to do when there appear to be no convenient alternatives to practice. This is really an extension of last week's session on Micropolitan Areas and Small Towns. Don't give up! Get Creative! This session is all about finding the answers when the easy path seems unavailable.
Fri, 8 March 2019
I recognize that if I speak about locations that have fabulous potential but a smaller size, those who listen to this podcast and wait around will be disappointed. These locations are NOT going to last long. Remember, they are as small as 15,000 residents and go up to 50,000. But there is a caveat: these are places in which the doctors will want to live close to the office. That is both good and bad, depending on your needs. But call us about finding other, similar locations and more about these!
Fri, 1 March 2019
I have had some pretty deep discussions with young people who have called us recently regarding what it really takes to succeed in practice. A good location, reasonable competition, and the like are important. But there are attributes of your attitude, sense of joy, and a bit of humor are vital to overcoming trials, and all manner of difficulties. You need to develop your "intangibles."
Fri, 22 February 2019
There has not been so much movement in and out of different parts of the nation in many decades. People are on the move! If you are professional trying to determine where to consider practice, this session explains not only where people are move from and moving to but WHY.
Fri, 15 February 2019
Please understand: I am not trying to promote these locations as sites that will be the best for a dentist to move. Rather, I am providing them because these cities have aspects of their layout and "commute culture" in common. So, if you want to find a place that has good potential based upon travel-time, these are your models. I hope you will find them as interesting as I did.
Fri, 8 February 2019
In Part 1 I reviewed the concept of the "Dentist Commute." In this Part, we will discuss the key trends and implications of the commute. Yeah, I get a little "politically incorrect" dealing with gender and the commute. But I think you will understand why I bring this issue up in discussion the relationship of where you live and where you practice.
Thu, 7 February 2019
I was called in again this week to help a wonderful practice deal with the thorny issue of resolving a serious misunderstanding of their relationship. I have been thinking of the five simple things they could have done short of threats, yelling, and using a sharp blade. I even invoke how Alexander the Great resolved these issues. It is meant to be light, useful, and a little entertaining.
Sat, 2 February 2019
The commute times in the U.S. are increasing and so are the commutes for dentists. But the challenge for doctors is that their travel time is becoming a greater liability to their productivity, quality of life, and sanity. In short, we have to start dealing with how far you can reasonably travel to a dental office from home.
Fri, 11 January 2019
Have you ever wondered about the many inducements cities and states are offering for new businesses? The real question is, "How well are these inducements working?" This session is about that topic.