Fri, 22 February 2019
There has not been so much movement in and out of different parts of the nation in many decades. People are on the move! If you are professional trying to determine where to consider practice, this session explains not only where people are move from and moving to but WHY.
Fri, 15 February 2019
Please understand: I am not trying to promote these locations as sites that will be the best for a dentist to move. Rather, I am providing them because these cities have aspects of their layout and "commute culture" in common. So, if you want to find a place that has good potential based upon travel-time, these are your models. I hope you will find them as interesting as I did.
Fri, 8 February 2019
In Part 1 I reviewed the concept of the "Dentist Commute." In this Part, we will discuss the key trends and implications of the commute. Yeah, I get a little "politically incorrect" dealing with gender and the commute. But I think you will understand why I bring this issue up in discussion the relationship of where you live and where you practice.
Thu, 7 February 2019
I was called in again this week to help a wonderful practice deal with the thorny issue of resolving a serious misunderstanding of their relationship. I have been thinking of the five simple things they could have done short of threats, yelling, and using a sharp blade. I even invoke how Alexander the Great resolved these issues. It is meant to be light, useful, and a little entertaining.
Sat, 2 February 2019
The commute times in the U.S. are increasing and so are the commutes for dentists. But the challenge for doctors is that their travel time is becoming a greater liability to their productivity, quality of life, and sanity. In short, we have to start dealing with how far you can reasonably travel to a dental office from home.