Mon, 29 July 2019
The policy of a community on housing, particularly single-family dwellings and home purchases, may be one of the most important metrics on where you want to practice. It is far more important that the competition ratio, income distribution, and other demographic factors with the possible exception of growth. This episode explains why.
Mon, 22 July 2019
Using the analogy of "The Doldrums" (which many doctors are feeling at this time), we discuss what the 5 "factors" are that describe this cyclical phenomenon and discuss strategies to deal with their impact upon your bottom line (and future).
Mon, 15 July 2019
Many locations are going through the sometimes process of "gentrification." This session deals with whether this is a good thing for a practice or a bad thing. What does Gentrification really mean to an area? Is it going to help or hurt a community? These are the issues that this session reveals as well as some specific ideas on our approach for practices.
Fri, 12 July 2019
If you are considering where to practice (where to put a practice, where to purchase a practice, and even where to take a job), these are the four factors you need to keep in mind.
Direct download: 196._Which_State_is_Right_For_You_for_Practice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT
Mon, 1 July 2019
Demographers are hotly debating the meaning of research and social media to illustrate where to put a practice. The "facts" and the commonly accepted "wisdom" have never been more in conflict that right now. This episode discusses the issue and even makes some practical recommendations.
Direct download: 195._Political_Debate__Where_to_Practice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm EDT