Sat, 25 February 2023
Here is a recording of our Live Youtube stream where Mike Green talks about the 5 Keys for a Successful Practice Placement. He also answer a few live questions along the way from doctors who were on with us live. Want to join us for our next broadcast? We'll be live again next Friday at noon eastern on our YouTube channel found at this link: |
Wed, 22 February 2023
To REALLY meet the healthcare wants and needs of a population, it is necessary to know them well. Otherwise, you will spend time and effort on activities and advertising that won't work. This episode starts with the basic assumption that too many doctors believe the ideal patient base will look like they do (fit their demographic profile). Their unique point of view will be lost as providers carry out these assumptions without doing good research. The Marketing Report and Practice Site Viability provide inexpensive research tools to help doctors learn about the lifestyles of patients in locations they are considering. As an aside, this is cutting-edge research technology provided by great vendors! Visit our website at to get samples of these reports
Tue, 14 February 2023
There are two paths of development going on in the world right now. They are diverging. The first is localization. That suggests that systems are getting smaller and seem focused on businesses and practices that are smaller and more focused on people. Up until now, it appears we have been going toward more globalization. This is making systems (governments and institutions less responsive to people and individuals). For a long time, it seemed the level of complexity of customer service was demanding practices become ever larger. As we speak, patients can take advantage of more individual attention and customization. Rather than grow ever larger in an environment of "one size fits all" patients and customers seek to want a simpler, customizable approach. This may translate to less expensive overhead, improved customer service, and happier patients. Overall, it is reflected in the research on market conditions, demographics, and customer care
Tue, 7 February 2023
What is the true potential of American healthcare when contrasted with Rival nations (such as China) which have been talking smack about the medical and dental programs in the U.S.? To be fair, the U.S. has been unrivaled in the world. By contrast, China (and others) have a great deal of political meddling get into their research and teaching. To make my case, we examine data on life expectancy to prove the point that the outcomes have been superior in the American system. |