Mon, 16 December 2019
This is a list of 11 markets that are leading the way. They are places that are showing significant growth and communities that doctors may want to investigate on where to practice. They are neither rich nor popular but they are great bread-and-butter communities.
Direct download: 218._Serious_Trends_for_New_Practice_Locations.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm EDT
Mon, 9 December 2019
It goes without saying that Hawaii is generally considered a success story due to high employment and serious demand for healthcare practices. But the trend data shows a sudden decline in population and it is important to know why. This episode is all about the good and the bad of practicing in Hawaii.
Mon, 2 December 2019
No, there are not many locations that are "prom queens" in this region. But if you are looking for reasonable competition, favorable growth, acceptable cost-of-living and general, the Rustbelt States have a few gems.